Lich by Montgomery Quinn

Lich by Montgomery Quinn

Author:Montgomery Quinn
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Montgomery Quinn


“You won’t change my mind,” Lorian shook his head.

The two women, one a half-elf, the other a kobold, both pouted. It was adorable and Lorian smiled as they stood shoulder to shoulder by the door with their hands clasped together. He had made the decision as the living settled into their evening. With the unpacking, cleaning and other comforts realised, there was no reason to wait. Lorian could sleep. He had that ability, same with his loves. But he never really felt the need. A rest was always welcome to soothe the mind, but without fatigue, it was a luxury. One Lorian did not want, while his wife lavished in the depths of the Dwarven city of Bandahn.

“But we can’t die,” Dhika urged. “If anything happened-”

“You could be trapped somewhere,” Lorian shook his head. “Your body could become damaged, there may be a dragon that could eat you. There are endless possibilities that could happen to you, that would prevent me from being able to rescue you. Death is one thing, but can you imagine being digested for weeks, months or even years while I gather enough thralls to kill a dragon?”

“I thought there weren’t any dragons?” Eilidh frowned.

“There probably isn’t,” Lorian agreed. “But it’s still a mine. If you fell down a shaft, you could end up trapped below the earth until I found a way to get you out again. Then who knows?”

“That could all happen to you,” Dhika complained.

Lorian sighed and stepped forward to embrace them both. He kissed Dhika on the lips, before turning his attention to Eilidh. The half-elf had enjoyed their time together. But the look on her face told Lorian that she still had a hard time believing what he had told her. Pressing forward, Lorian kissed her as passionately as he could.

Eilidh moaned softly, before pressing closer than before. She ignored the soft giggle from the kobold. For the first time in her life, she allowed herself to let go. And as a tear rolled down her cheek, Lorian pulled away, before spotting the wet line.

“I don’t want you to go,” she trembled.

“Now, now,” Lorian smiled and gently wiped away the tear. “It’s best I go alone. I need to do this. And if anything happens to me, I’m the best case to fix it again.”

“It’s not fair,” she whimpered.

Lorian nodded sadly. None of this was fair. His murder wasn’t fair. The deaths of his queens weren’t fair. Mitigo destroying the Lorian Empire wasn’t fair. But he would change that. And it started here. Now. At the tomb of Cyllbes. The Queen of the Southern Lands. The Kingdom of Tora.

“This needs to happen,” Lorian kissed them both once more. “And I need you to both stay here with Magda. If there is danger, you can see it in the dark. The living cannot.”

Eilidh looked like she was going to continue to argue, but Dhika recognised the tone in his voice. It wasn’t one she had heard often. But it was one she knew meant he was done with whatever conversation he was having.


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